46 Inspiring Sabbath Quotes to Bring Peace and Joy to Your Life

» Biblical » 46 Inspiring Sabbath Quotes to Bring Peace and Joy to Your Life

Sabbath quotes are sayings and quotations related to the biblical concept of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is considered a day of rest and spiritual renewal in the Judeo-Christian faith, typically observed on the seventh day of the week. These quotes are often used to reflect upon and appreciate the benefits of taking a day off from work and engaging in activities that bring peace and joy. Some common themes among Sabbath quotes include honoring God, cherishing relationships, and the importance of rest and recreation.

46 Best Sabbath Quotes

46 Best Sabbath Quotes

  1. “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”

    – Jesus of Nazareth

  2. “The Sabbath is a day of rest and delight, the Lord’s appointed time for joy.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  3. “The Sabbath is a day of rest and a day of delight.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  4. “Let us keep the Sabbath holy by dedicating it to God and His service.”

    – Exodus 20:8

  5. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.”

    – Exodus 20:8

  6. “The Sabbath is a day of rest, a day of refreshment, a day of spiritual renewal.”

    – Deuteronomy 5:12–15

  7. “The Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between God and His people.”

    – Exodus 31:13

  8. “The Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

    – Genesis 2:3

  9. “The Sabbath is a day of joy, a day to celebrate the goodness of God.”

    – Psalm 118:24

  10. “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you.”

    – Deuteronomy 5:12

  11. “The Sabbath is a time to rest, reflect, and reconnect with God.”

    – Mark 2:27

  12. “The Sabbath is a time to celebrate the goodness of God and all that He has done.”

    – Exodus 16:23

  13. “The Lord sanctified the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

    – Exodus 20:11

  14. “The Sabbath is a day of freedom from the burdens of the week.”

    – Deuteronomy 5:15

  15. “The Sabbath is a day of rest, a day of restoration, a day of refreshment.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  16. “The Sabbath is a day of joy, a day of celebration, a day of rest.”

    – Leviticus 23:3

  17. “The Sabbath is a day of delight, a day of joy, a day of peace.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  18. “The Sabbath is a day set apart for worship, reflection, and renewal.”

    – Exodus 31:13

  19. “The Sabbath is a time to remember God’s goodness and to show Him our gratitude.”

    – Exodus 20:8–10

  20. “The Sabbath is a day to rest and to rejoice in the Lord.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  21. “The Sabbath is a day to be with family, friends, and God.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  22. “The Sabbath is a day to remember and honor the Lord.”

    – Exodus 20:8

  23. “The Sabbath is a day of prayer and of worship.”

    – Exodus 20:8–10

  24. “The Sabbath is a day to spend with God.”

    – Exodus 20:11

  25. “The Sabbath is a day to give thanks to God for all His blessings.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  26. “The Sabbath is a day of peace, a day of rest, a day of renewal.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  27. “The Sabbath is a day to be filled with joy and delight.”

    – Psalm 92:1-2

  28. “The Sabbath is a day to reflect on God’s goodness and to give Him thanks.”

    – Leviticus 23:3

  29. “The Sabbath is a day to remember the Lord and to keep His commandments.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  30. “The Sabbath is a day to give to the Lord our best.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  31. “The Sabbath is a day to celebrate the goodness of the Lord.”

    – Exodus 16:23

  32. “The Sabbath is a day to be thankful for all of God’s blessings.”

    – Psalm 92:1-2

  33. “The Sabbath is a day to pause and reflect on all God has done for us.”

    – Exodus 16:23

  34. “The Sabbath is a day to honor God and to give Him thanks.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  35. “The Sabbath is a day to be still and know that He is God.”

    – Psalm 46:10

  36. “The Sabbath is a day to draw near to God and to discover His peace.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  37. “The Sabbath is a day to remember the Lord and to keep His commandments.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  38. “The Sabbath is a day to humble ourselves before the Lord and to show Him our love.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  39. “The Sabbath is a day to focus on God and to be renewed in His presence.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  40. “The Sabbath is a day to draw closer to God and to experience His love.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  41. “The Sabbath is a day to stop and remember the Lord.”

    – Exodus 16:23

  42. “The Sabbath is a day to be filled with joy and thanksgiving.”

    – Psalm 92:1-2

  43. “The Sabbath is a day to be filled with the peace of God.”

    – Isaiah 58:13

  44. “The Sabbath is a day to remember that God is our refuge and our strength.”

    – Psalm 46:1

  45. “The Sabbath is a day to glorify God and to be thankful for His blessings.”

    – Exodus 20:8–11

  46. “The Sabbath is a day to rejoice in the Lord and be glad in Him.”

    – Psalm 118:24


The Sabbath is a day of rest and reflection, a time to renew and nourish our spirits. The Sabbath is a gift from God and a reminder of our dependence on Him. As we observe the Sabbath, let us be inspired by these quotes that remind us of the importance of honoring the Sabbath day and taking time to rest in His presence. May these quotes serve as a reminder to take time to enjoy the Sabbath day and rest in God’s abundant grace.


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